Red Mail for Mike Queen

Dear Mike,

I'll make you a deal. You help me get approval to run for Congress - I spoke with Nathan Martin earlier - and I won't do my damndest to sabotage Ben's campaign for the senate. 

Can I stop him? I'm not sure. Do you want me to try? All I want is to be approved to run for a Federal Office, like the Constitution says I can. I'm over 25 and I'm a longtime citizen and resident of WVa. Those are the only requirements. If Mac your boss tries to prevent me from running I AM GOING TO BLAME YOU.

See I'm on parole and my voter registration was invalidated. No argument. I can't vote while on parole. This isn't voting and West Virginia has no say. Only Congress can prevent me from taking the office after I win. That's not your domain. 

Your Future Ally? Power = influence + effort. I don't have much influence. I. Have. A lot of kinetic effort ready to put wherever it's needed. 

So. Ben. Yay or Nay?

-Alexander Weinstein (R) 
