The Most Recognizable Person on Earth

Donald Trump is The Most Recognizable Person on Earth. It's impossible another living human is more widely known. Show anyone from a 3rd world country pictures of worldwide celebrities, I'd bet my house on Donald Trump winning by a decent pull. And anyone with a free internet? How it could it be anyone else?


I'm joking. I support you, now. I used to hate you. Remember when you had your henchman Keith S. call me over Tana G.? 

Now I wonder whether you will seize the day. Cause you got it. You got the whole goddamn day in your back pocket. 

You will win the next election, but it must require, more courage than you've yet shown. And I admit you've got some pretty big brass nuts. But, you didn't let out all the Kennedy assassination files like you promised. For the same reason you haven't SAID but what you have to know THAT CHINA STARTED THE GODDAMN PLAGUE DELIBERATELY TO DESTROY YOUR PRESIDENCY. 

You didn't release the Kennedy Assassination information for the same reason you didn't say that China started the plague. Because you were afraid that the powerful people in the Deep State that pulled off both of those capers could easily deal with you if you aren't careful. 

Now everyone not in your business circle is attacking you from all sides. Civil. Criminal. It's time to be an angry cornered bear but only with the Right Stuff. My buddy Stonedwall Jackson Collins will believe any bullshit you say, but it would be better if you told us your base the truth. 

IF YOU WANT TO BE PRESIDENT AGAIN YOU HAVE TO LIVE LIKE YOU'VE GOT NOTHING TO LOSE. Turn around and roar at the unidentified enemies you're afraid of. You have enough support left for anything half rational and this is not a looney conspiracy theory it's A GREAT BIG GODDAMN NEON SIGN IN THE SKY ON A MOONLESS NIGHT 100 FEET ABOVE YOUR HEAD:


All you gotta do, and here's where recipient Max Brooks comes in to help you, even though he endorsed not-so-sleepy-Joe, IS FOLLOW THE POPULAR WAVE OF THIS IDEA. That it came from the lab. Now that's a reasonable possibility. All you're saying is it came from the lab deliberately, because China was starting to lose. YOU WERE RIGHT. America was WINNING and China was LOSING since you put the screws to them. Most people don't realize how simple this all is. 

"It's Monopoly and Risk with other Heads of State." And you started to make the United States play to win.

You will beat him, Joe, or Ms. Harris, in 2024 if the voters, by an LBJ to Goldwater ratio, to neutralize possible cheating, WOULD BET ON YOU TO BEAT JOE BIDEN IN A FISTFIGHT. That's all it's about, the entire election. Every election since 1948. It's no mistake that election and erection rhyme. THE TOP DOG, THE STUD CANDIDATE, always wins. If Hillary would have been even a little hotter, she would have won. WHO IS LARGE AND IN CHARGE? The winners for President, go look at each one. The person who won is the the person you would bet on to win in a fistfight. Truman over Dewey. Eisenhower over Stephenson, twice. Kennedy barely over Nixon but I'd bet on Kennedy. LBJ over Goldwater. Nixon over Humphrey. Nixon over McGovern definitely. Carter over Ford, because, the public, because of Saturday Night Live, thought Ford was a clutz. Reagan over Carter. Keep going. In 2000 everyone said GW Bush won because he was perceived to be more fun to have a beer with. What that really means is that if the American voter was in a barfight they'd have picked GW Bush over Al Gore to be their wingman. Joe Biden beat Bernie Sanders because Joe seemed like the victor in a 'who's the tougher boy?' analysis. And, you, Donald, beat all the Republicans. Because I can't think of one who would have definitely kicked your ass. Ted Cruz would have been the next best bet and, no coincidence, was in second place. You were the boldest, baddest, most fearless seeming choice for Republican General.

We are electing as President the Commander in Chief. The General of the United States of America in wartime and the General of the Executive Branch at all times. Usually, a good general is personally tough, wise, and the HNIC. Theodore Roosevelt being the all time winner of Presidents against George Washington and Andrew Jackson at their bests. Well, maybe Washington. Jackson was a duelist. He's your favorite, sir.

I would be more concerned about running against Ms. Harris because I think she could kick Joe Biden's ass, so she'll be a tougher opponent to out moxie. WHICH IS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO TO WIN. OUT MOXIE, again as you did in 2015 and 2016, everyone.

Last year the American voter didn't see you as the obvious tougher guy. Maybe you won, really, maybe you didn't barely. Either way, you stopped running those awesome covid press conferences and you played defense for the rest of your term. You stopped commanding because you were frightened and angry and out of your element and it wasn't fair and you were right. 

They cheated. 

Your enemies have killed 4 million people so far to defeat you. THAT'S HOW THEY CHEATED.

Anyone who hasn't come to the realization that "any government will do anything to any number of people to further its own interests" wasn't paying attention in any history class, ever. Be woke about that!

MORE HEINOUS ACTS THAN THAT ONE HAVE CERTAINLY BEEN TRIED FOR WORLD DOMINATION. It's China. What's a couple of million of their own citizens, much less NOT their own citizens mostly? Why do people of the now always think their governments are too good to commit crimes against humanity? That stuff like that only happened to get Vietnam going. Asia and Africa and Europe have had one after the other of these genocides. WHEN GOVERNMENTS ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE IN KILLING HUGE NUMBERS OF REGULAR PEOPLE. NOTHING I AM ACCUSING CHINA OF IS SO RIDICULOUS TO BE CONCEIVED. They are doing it to their own population of Muslims and John Cena cries "Please China don't yell at me I'm sorry! Taiwan is your bitch! Taiwan is your bitch! I John Cena am your bitch!!"

Now. To ponder, investigate, but not make too much of, contrary to your propensity, DJT...

Did. The Democrats. Know?

DID TOP DEMOCRATS KNOW? Did top Democrats know there was a 2020 surprise coming from China? Did the DEMOCRAT TRIUMVIRATE PLAN THE PANDEMIC?  

Did Barack know? Did Hillary know? Did Joe know?

THEY ARE THE TRIUMVIRATE. Deputies Nacy, Chuck, and AOC. AOC was not a deputy at the time of conception and was not involved. She is hot though, which will cause you to misplay your moves against her, Mr. Trump.  

I wouldn't put it past them morally. Those three I said. Obama, Clinton and Biden. I wouldn't put anything past anyone morally when we are talking about their life's work. Which you were destroying. And would have 4x destroyed in your second term. Flush with victory, a mandate, booming everything and sudden popularity with fence sitters hoping for you to lose after one term. 

Your second term would have been DEATH to CHINA'S BID TO RUN THE WORLD as we do. Now they're back in contention. 

It needn't be you vs China. It needs to be the US vs China in a 2nd Cold! War. Same outcome. Same no killing war. We outspend them. Outwork them. Out think them. We beat them like we did everyone in WWII. EVICT THEM their punishment is "every Chinese citizen in the Communist Party loses their American property. All of it." Give that one to your next Attorney General. 

Here is the script of your statement. You owe me $200,000 for this "speechwriting" as a GIFT. What a loophole this is are you aware of it? I can pay, we all, can pay every debt, especially to local merchants, etc, as a gift. To that person. I go buy peaches at Frank's in Gafney and I GIFT Kevin Spacey the owner $4.20. He doesn't have to pay tax on that. It was a gift. As were his peaches to me. No one owes the IRS anything as far as I can tell. Anyone reading who knows more about tax law than I do please let me know. It seems really goddamn easy for every American to pay no taxes ever again. Anyway Don, gift me $200,000 for this:

"China, maybe or maybe not with the cooperation of the Democratic Triumvirate, released that virus deliberately to hurt me, my administration, and America in general, because why not, and the rest of the world, because why not. 

Let's focus on China. They were tremendously well prepared for a Communist country, weren't they? Which adapts to nothing new quickly. Communists are notoriously plan oriented and slow to respond to variety. That's where America is great. Or used to be great. That's what I mean by Make America Great Again. Like it used to be when a bridge could be built by Patton over a river in a day. Back on subject, China doesn't think outside the box and always does things by a book. Like California on steroids. So the fact that China could stamp this out with such precision is unbelievable to me without prior knowledge and preparation by Xi. 

The United States under my leadership responded very well to the pandemic and is now back to running almost normally, unlike Australia for example that liberals always say is so great, which has a city in full lockdown. But Joe gets all the credit! for all the work I did. The infrastructure if you want to talk about infrastructure, the infrastructure for this great recovery we had medically, I built. I built it. Last year."

You always run off the rails of the topic like I just did. RETURN TO THE POINT:

TRUMP: "If China released the virus, they might as well put their flag on the coffins of the four million people, supposedly, who have died. China released the virus BECAUSE THEY WANTED TO WRECK MY LIFE, my presidency, this country, our country, the rest of the world. AS A WAY TO PUT CHINA AHEAD. They assumed, and hoped for their own sakes, we'd get it under control. They knew the capabilities of the W.H.O. and they of course were very ready. As ready as they could be without tipping off anyone. 


END SPEECH DROP MIC LEAVE ROOM. WAIT 24 HOURS then give a press conference like you're Rocky vs the Russian. Do not leave. Do not end it. You make, live on camera, every single reporter get up and leave because they can't think of anything else to ask and have a family. BE THE LAST PERSON STANDING, literally, in the room. Camera is on autopilot. 

They did it. The Chinese did it it's so fuckin' obvious I'm mad at myself I didn't see how likely it is until the other day. It's too perfect. You were running away with it. 

2020 was gonna be for you, Mr. President, like 1920 was for Babe Ruth. A YEAR THAT WAS NEVER FORGOTTEN. Like him, you are now, #3. Your third try.

China knew that. The Clintons, the Democrats. Everyone knew you were gonna win easily. China definitely didn't want that and now even Bill Maher who you hate and who hates you agrees that it's probably the lab, which means it was deliberate. It's too much of a coincidence. First world countries have had virus labs for 100 years. And the timing is too convenient IF IT CAME OUT OF THAT LAB. Even if it didn't it's fishy. Out of the lab? Definitely. Set up. Sting. Orchestrated.

Why has there been no Ebola outbreak that started in the United States? Because we keep that goddamn stuff locked up. As does everyone. For that to get out, it was deliberate work. 

Max I was impressed with you on Real Time and then I read you're Mel's son which is... well he's the man as far as I'm concerned. That's why I write emails like they're Blazing Saddles meets Spaceballs scripts. 


-Alexander Weinstein

