@AvrilLavigne You Are Safe With Me

July 31, 1867

On the Mississippi, somewhere north of Memphis, TN.

I am going to kill Nathan Bedford Forrest tomorrow. Or the day after. Or August 3rd if it takes me that long to do it right. I'm going to poison him. And he's going to know it was me who done it.

That doesn't make any sense to you Avril. It's my Great Game. A computer game turned real, unleashed upon the South. Still not making' sense. I know. It's. Complicated. 

I am listening to a beautiful piece of music while writing to you. 


I believe and am statistically certain you visited something of mine online. Your cousin and agent were both bombarded with stuff and have both blocked me. They got it. And they had to tell you. Someone. 

I am pretty sure you investigated me a little. 

That's all I needed to know.

Talk to you next year.

